
布雷西亚大学临床心理学理学硕士课程旨在为学生准备各种医疗保健服务. Direct and supportive services include diagnosis and treatment of an emotional, 精神, 焦虑, or addictive disorder that affects the function of individuals, 组, 或家庭. 临床心理学理学硕士课程为学生准备满足在肯塔基州成为心理助理(LPA)所需的教育和实习要求. For licensed psychological associates who are ready to apply for the next level of licensure in Kentucky, 布雷西亚大学提供额外的课程,一些学生可能需要成为有执照的心理医生.

For additional information, please call 270-686-4353 or email (电子邮件保护).


录取的学生: 每个临床心理学硕士申请人必须向布雷西亚大学招生办公室提交以下证据:

  1. 在线完成 应用程序.
  2. 所有尝试过的课程,包括成绩单,显示学士学位,从认可机构显示完成12个学分的心理学课程,最低成绩为C.
  3. 平均绩点不低于3分.0 / 4.0 at the undergraduate and graduate level, if applicable.
  4. 打印个人陈述(3-4页).
  5. 英语为第二语言的学生必须达到托福考试的最低可接受分数:托福纸考550分或托福网考79分.

Full admission requirements and personal statement guideline can be found in the 大学目录.

布雷西亚大学本科毕业生:  Graduates of Brescia University with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to receive preferential acceptance.  Students who have a minimum overall grade point average of 3.50人可以自动进入临床心理学硕士项目,不需要提交个人陈述.  以下条件适用:

  • The student completes an online 应用程序 by the designated deadline;
  • 学生申请接受布雷西亚大学授予学士学位后的第一学期.e., May graduates must apply for admission to the following fall semester; December graduates must apply for admission to the following spring semester);
  • 这个项目还有空位.

If the number of 学生 who qualify for automatic admission exceeds the available space in the program, 学生将根据GPA排名被录取.  例如,平均绩点为4的学生.0先录取,3先录取.下一个,以此类推.  不符合自动录取要求的布雷西亚大学学生仍然可以申请,但需要提交完整的申请材料.


申请人必须持有由公认的地区认证协会认可的学院或大学的本科学位. Applicants must have completed 12 academic hours of psychology courses with a minimum grade of C.

Applicants may meet prerequisite hours through psychology, 社会 work, and/or counseling courses. Applicants should have three credits of undergraduate or graduate level coursework in each of the following:

  • 统计数据
  • 研究方法



Students are able to complete the program entirely online or take in-person classes on campus. 兼职和全职的选择是可用的. Students also have the option to complete a thesis project as part of their degree requirement. Students intending to apply to a doctoral program are encouraged to complete the thesis option.

整个课程是45个学分. Students complete 2 practica for 300 hours and internship for another 300 hours, 总共600小时的野外工作.


PSY 500: Scientific and Professional Ethics and Standards

Students will apply the APA Code of Ethics to ethical and professional issues in clinical psychology such as privacy and confidentiality; interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary relationships; dual relationships; conflicts of interest; rights and responsibilities of clients; and ethical decision making.


本课程探讨异常行为. It addresses etiology and classification of 精神 disorders, with the major focus being on diagnostic criteria of the DSM and 应用程序 to clinical practice.


这是对这些理论的高级综述, 调查方法, and research relevant to human psychological development, 从青年到老年, 在生物, 神经系统, 认知, 社会, 情感领域.


This course offers an advanced survey of the theories, 调查方法, and research relevant to human psychological development, 从出生到青春期, 在生物, 神经系统, 认知, 社会, 情感领域.


This course is designed to review the current developments in the field of addictions, validity and reliability of commonly used 评估 tools, 治疗方法评价, and discussion of comorbidity issues within addiction practice.


This course explores the use of alternative therapeutic tools, including art, music, and movement. It includes discussion of spiritual approaches to care, 包括正念, 冥想, 瑜伽, 和活力.


This course provides instruction about experi精神 and quasi-experi精神 research designs, 概念的操作性定义, 假设的发展, 严谨性指标, 抽样, 有效性和可靠性问题, 测量仪器的例子, 以及在研究中对人类受试者的保护.


This course is a graduate-level review of the knowledge of statistics in the 社会 sciences. Students will apply statistics in the analysis of psychological data. 他们将使用描述性和推断性统计. The lab will provide hands-on 应用程序 of data-handling software and analysis.

PSY 550: Clinical Assessment of Intellectual Functioning of the Individual


PSY 560: Clinical Assessment of Emotional and Psychological Functioning of the Individual

在本课程中, 学生将发展参与的技能, 治疗关系, 临床访谈技巧, 以及标准化的工具来收集信息并形成情感和心理功能的印象,从而为治疗决策提供信息.




通过体验式学习, 学生将在临床环境中运用敏感和同情的评估技能. Experiences will include the use of standardized 评估 instruments. 需要300小时.


在本课程中, 学生 will develop advanced understanding of theoretical approaches to counseling and psychotherapy, 包括基本概念, 评估, 客户和咨询师角色, 文化的相关性, 干预策略/技术. There will be an emphasis on empirically supported approaches (e.g., CBT) and discussion of contraindicated approaches (e.g.(转化治疗).


This course provides an introduction to major concepts of physiological psychology. 本课程的目标是提供有关脑-体连接和生物心理干预等生物因素对行为影响的基础知识.


本课程探讨文化和多样性对临床心理学的理解和实践的影响. 多样性不仅包括文化和性别, 但年龄, 地理位置, 社会阶层, 性和其他方面. 相关的临床问题包括文化认同, testing and diagnostic 评估 of culturally diverse clients, 还有心理治疗问题.


This course provides an introduction to major concepts of 社会 behavior. The objective of the course is to provide knowledge of how thoughts, 感情, and behavior of the individual are influenced by the presence of others.


This course provides an introduction to major concepts of cognition and affect. 本课程的目标是提供有关认知情感因素对行为(如学习)影响的基础知识, 思考, 动机, 和情感.

PSY 650:心理治疗和干预1

在本课程中, 学生申请选择, 评价, and 应用程序 of empirically supported interventions, 包括CBT及TLTD. 探讨远程医疗的使用.

PSY 660:心理治疗和干预II

在本课程中, 学生申请选择, 评价, and 应用程序 of empirically supported interventions, 包括团体治疗, 婚姻 & family therapy; and assertive community treatment.

PSY 670:心理治疗实习

本课程通过在机构的临床活动提供体验式学习,同时由持牌心理学家在批准的环境中监督. Students will integrate classroom knowledge with clinical practice. 需要300小时.


本课程要求学生有丰富的研究经验,使学生能够构建并开展自己的研究项目,无论是作为原始研究还是对先前报告的研究的复制, 在一位心理学教员的指导下. 最终的产品应该是一篇论文,展示了对执行研究研究的过程和结果的卓越把握.

PSY 695:硕士水平的实习


回到顶部学费 & 成本

我们2023-2024年的研究生学费为每学分665美元. 在线课程不收费. 每学期,所有研究生都要支付350美元的技术费(如果每学期注册6个学分以上)。. 下面的分类不包括书籍.

临床心理学硕士的学生可以自由注册最适合他们的时间表和学术目标的课程负荷. Our advisors will guide 学生 through registration each semester. To be eligible for federal financial aid, 学生 must register for at least 6 hours per semester.

15学时全日制学期 12学时全日制学期
指控 $9,975 $7,980
技术费 $350 $350
每学期合计 $10,325* $8,330*
9小时兼职学期 6小时兼职学期
指控 $5,985 $3,990
技术费 $350 $350
每学期合计 $6,335* $4,340*