


在布雷西亚大学, 机构技术包括计算机实验室, 计算机及相关设备, 软件访问, 网络带宽, 电话系统, 门禁卡系统, 多媒体系统, 复印机, 保安及消防系统, 大学拥有的手机.


Brescia University’s institutional technology is primarily provided to enhance learning, 丰富教育机会, 提高大学的运作效率. Personal use of institutional technology within the parameters of the Brescia 技术使用政策 can enrich the campus and is permitted. Any use which is incompatible with purposes of institutional technology or the mission of Brescia University 是被禁止的.


所有的使用都将按照联邦规定进行, 状态, 以及当地法律, 以及基本的道德原则. 特别是:

  • 不得安装任何材料, 下载, or 传输ted in violation of copyright law or intellectual property rights.
  • Use of technology to compose or 传输 anything that could be considered discriminatory, 进攻, 淫秽, 威胁, 骚扰, 令人生畏的, 有损人格的, 诽谤或破坏任何员工或其他人
  • Use of technology as a forum for broadcasting grievances 是被禁止的. All grievances must be handled in accordance with the provisions of the 尊重ive handbooks (i.e..(教师、职员、学生).
  • 使用技术来有意地接收, 视图, 传输, 禁止打印或复制色情信息或图像. Materials are deemed pornographic at the sole discretion and judgment of the University.
  • Deliberate vandalism to equipment or systems including creating or intentionally propagating viruses, 恶意软件, 等., 偷窃、破坏他人工作成果的, 禁用或绕过安全系统, 侵入私人文件, or re-configuring systems without permission from the Director of IT 是被禁止的.
  • 布雷西亚技术的非商业用途, 未经内阁适当许可, 是被禁止的.


所有技术使用者都应该对其他使用者有礼貌. 资源包括实验室访问, 计算机及相关设备, 软件访问, and 网络带宽 are to be equitably shared with recognition of higher priority needs. 由IT部门决定, 过度使用这类技术资源, 是限制的还是禁止的.


  • Brescia equipment and systems are to be reasonably cared for by all users. 特别是, all equipment connecting to the Brescia network is required to have active, 最新的病毒和间谍软件保护. Users must inform and obtain approval from the Brescia IT Department before making significant changes to equipment (e.g., location, installation or removal of licensed software or hardware).
  • 所有用户必须保证个人信息的安全. 这包括但不限于选择声音密码, 定期修改密码, 维护密码安全, 确保个人和大学资料的安全. 的用户
    University technology are specifically 禁止 both from allowing anyone else independently to use a computer or device currently authenticated with their own user account and from allowing anyone to use their login and/or password, 除获授权的资讯科技署职员外. “Independent use” is any use in which account/password holder cannot directly monitor and/or 视图 at all times the current additional screen(s) logged onto their individual account/password. [修订,机构计算委员会,03-21,2017]
  • All users should maintain reasonable backups of important electronic files. 进一步, they should 尊重 limits on storage capacity of all systems and comply with directives from the IT director to delete unnecessary files. 材料
    jeopardize the functionality of the Brescia network may be deleted by the IT 工作人员, though reasonable effort to notify the owner will be made beforehand.
  • Each user is personally responsible for the content of his or her email and for the content of files on his or her computer or storage media to which he or she has access. Attempts to disguise or misrepresent the origin of information are
    禁止. Users must recognize that even private electronic communications are not necessarily secure, and that publicly posted information may be impossible to completely rescind.
  • 用户不应浪费资源.g. 过度印刷.


As open intellectual inquiry and freedom of thought are essential characteristics of meaningful education, Brescia does not censor content of legal communication and encourages openness. 作为学习社区的一部分, individuals are expected to show commitment to such values as human dignity, 专业, 尊重, 和真理. 布雷西亚电子邮件分发列表(e.g. 所有用户、教员集会等.) are provided as a service to the community and do carry additional restrictions.

  • Distribution lists are to be used only for official Brescia business or announcements of clear relevance to the Brescia community.
  • Distribution lists are not to be circulated outside the Brescia community
  • Announcements should use the smallest list suitable for the announcement’s purpose.


布雷西亚IT部门尊重用户隐私. 文件, 包括电子邮件, stored on Brescia equipment are the property of  Brescia and may be accessed in the following cases:

  • 要根据用户的请求检索文件或处理文件,
  • To diagnose problems with, or maintain the functionality of Brescia equipment,
  • 遵守法律规定(例如.g. 传票),
  • 处理布雷西亚的重要事务,或者
  • To investigate evidence of suspected violation of the Brescia 技术使用政策.

C种情况, 以上D及E项, the IT Director will first obtain written permission from the President or the Vice President of Business and Finance or the Vice President of Academic Affairs.用于技术规划和维护, it is occasionally necessary to collect technology use statistics. 在一般情况下, such data will be studied only in the aggregate without identifying specific users associated with given activity. When violations of the Brescia 技术使用政策 are detected, Brescia reserves the right to track and identify the individuals responsible.


Violators of the Brescia 技术使用政策 are subject to the provisions of their 尊重ive handbooks (i.e.(教师、职员或学生). 如果情况允许, users violating these policies may receive a notification from IT prior to sanctions. 制裁还可包括以下内容:

  • 口头或书面警告
  • Restriction of technology privileges and/or suspension or denial of Brescia technology use
  • 通知主管或其他代理人进行纪律处分
  • 以上的任何组合.

Any person receiving sanctions under the Brescia 技术使用政策 is entitled to re视图/grievance procedures as delineated in other, 适当的布雷西亚文件,如教员, 工作人员, 还有学生手册.